The Journey

My journey with Dew Dale Resorts began back in 2006, filled with hope and determination. After careful study and scouting, we chose Baratang Island as the perfect spot for our dream resort. It seemed like everything fell into place—the location met all the necessary criteria for government subsidies, and we were ready to make our mark in the rural tourism sector.

But our path was far from easy. We started with minimal capital, scraping together funds from the sale of a property and loans from the State Bank of India, as well as support from friends and family. Despite our efforts, we were disappointed when the promised subsidies never materialized due to bureaucratic mishaps.

The challenges didn't end there. In 2011, the administration closed and sealed our property, citing buffer zone disputes. It was a devastating blow—our dreams shattered overnight, leaving us penniless and uncertain of the future. Legal battles and financial struggles consumed us, and there were moments when giving up seemed like the only option.

Yet, through it all, we held onto our faith and hope. We believed that there was a greater purpose behind our struggles, even when the road ahead seemed bleak. Like Job, we endured our trials, trusting that our faith would see us through.

After years of hardship, we finally emerged victorious. Legal and financial issues were resolved, and Dew Dale Resorts reopened its doors in 2019, only to face the unexpected hurdle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Once again, we were forced to shut down operations, but we refused to lose hope.

Today, Dew Dale Resorts stands as a testament to resilience and perseverance. Despite the challenges we've faced, we remain grateful for the miracles that have come our way. Our journey may have been rocky, but it's taught us the power of faith, determination, and never giving up on our dreams.

 ~Jessy John, Owner, Dew Dale Resorts, Baratang Island.